2002 Annual Meeting on Successful Statewide
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs
- Roundtable Summaries -

Roundtable Topic: Linking EHDI data management with computerized hospital admissions and medical records
Session: 2:45 PM
Moderator: Karl White


Karl made opening remarks concerning collecting data, getting it electronically, analyzing/reporting the data, and use/follow-up, how to get data into the system.

Some hospitals are collecting and submitting EHDI data electronically.


  • Can hospital information be used for EHDI system? -- EBC, heel stick, custom interface, etc.
  • How to get hospital system data into EHDI database?


  • duplicate data
  • medical records have interesting data, can it be included


  • Timing- screen 6-40+ hours from birth
  • Linkage with screening equipment
  • Collecting proper name of child, may not have a name at the time of screen, last names change frequently
  • Keeping a centralized database – keeping the pieces together (screening, rescreening, diagnosis, intervention, etc.)
  • Stewardship of data
  • QA of data – Michigan mentioned a law on reporting – their hospital association doesn’t want hospitals to appear not to be doing their ‘job’
  • Transfers of children need to be considered – who will do screen – birth hospital or receiving hospital? How will screening data be shared between two facilities? Michigan mentioned data sharing rapidly so MI-EHDI can meet the 1-3-6 timeframe, but Vital Statistics will still do QA on data.
  • N.E.D.S. – National electronic Data System discussed.
  • The experience of the Immunization systems development should be investigated and built upon. Many years of development/planning and systems are still not up.
  • HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – Upcoming implementation of the regulation for this act were discussed. We tabled discussion for the Wednesday AM session, where HIPAA was to be discussed.
  • Standards need to be developed.

Discussion on Hospital Record Systems


Medical Records

Vital Statistics

Questions/Answers addressed by roundtable:

Q1. Are Medical Records computerized?

Answer: Some Yes, most participants said NO

Q2. Do states have Electronic Birth Certificates (EBC)?

Answer: some yes, some no. NJ has and electronic birth record, where the perinatal information is recorded, so contains info on baby and mother’s maternity stay. NJ is using EBC to populate EHDI database.

Home births were seen to be problematic.

Q3. How frequently are EBCs transmitted to state?

Answer: Most said within 5-7 days of the birth

Problem with the timing of EBC discussed – if need data for EHDI programs, some felt should transmit within 3-4 days.

MI – has EHDI module to EBC. Can poll nightly to get EHDI information (EHDI also on blood spot form).

UT mentioned labels from blood spot kit being utilized. Getting 97.5% match with EHDI screeners.

SD – tiered matching, using both probabilistic & non-probabilistic matching.

Q4. How does hospital level staff have access to EHDI data? / How to handle data entry so not to duplicate cases?

Answers: many different processes including:

Type info into coordinated screening unit of electronic file

Write results on paper

Data entry into up-to-minute Web based system

Electronic spreadsheets used to track

We briefly discussed FERPA as a ‘BIG ISSUE’

Limelight representative discussed web-based services from Microsoft.new and My_webservices.

We touched on ‘practical’ issues

Time expired.