2004 State EHDI Survey > Medical Home


The Maternal and Child Health Bureau encourages states to organize health care services so that all children receive the care they need from a health care professional whom they know and trust. The setting in which such care is delivered is known as a Medical Home.

20. Estimate the percentage of newborn hearing screening results that are sent to the baby's Medical Home.

Table 20.
Number of States  
Pecentage of the 43 States that reported: 76.79
Percentage Excluding outliers ≤ 5% (4 states) 84.46
Percentage Excluding outliers ≤ 5% and ≥ 90%: (28 states) 64.8
No response: 2 states
No data or Unknown: 6 states

21. In your state, who is responsible for notifying the baby's Medical Home about the results of the hearing screening test? **Several states reporting multiple answers

Table 21.
of States
The hospital 37
The state EHDI program 16
The parent 5
No one has this responsibility 4
Other (please specify)
• Physician 6
  • Each hospital report all results to the inpatient physician. The state EHDI program reports any result that is not a pass bilaterally to the physician of record as reported to us by the birth hospital.
  • Primary Care Physician is considered the Medical Home; Hosp - for all screening results; EHDI - for all refers and missed screenings

States reporting UNKNOWN/NO DATA

  • Outpatient screening provider
  • Public Health Child Find program
  • We are updating our regs and will make hospitals responsible; currently no on e is mandated to do this
  • No mandate
  • This state's DPHE will send letters for failed or missed beginning July 2004

22. Circle the number that shows the degree to which you feel that your EHDI program is coordinated with activities in your state to ensure that every baby has a Medical Home. (All 51 states reporting)

Table 22.
  Excellent coordination and cooperative work to No coordination nor cooperative work
  1 2 3 4 5
Number of responses 7 10 22 9 3
Percentage 13.7 19.6 43.1 17.6 5.9
Average 2.82