March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


3/15/2016  |   11:00 AM - 11:30 AM   |  Topical Session 5   |  Towne/Esquire   |  9 - Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement

The Power of Data: Using Data to Drive Quality Improvement in Reducing Loss to Follow-Up

EHDI programs are using small tests of change (Plan, Do, Study, Act [PDSA] cycles) for quality improvement initiatives in achieving national goals for reducing lost to follow-up for screening, diagnosis and early intervention. HRSA requires EHDI programs to use quality improvement, specifically the Model for Improvement, to help them reach the goals and objectives outlined in their grants. There are multiple ways to identify areas of improvement. Using data is one critical voice in the EHDI system that can be used to identify improvement areas. Data is a key component of planning small tests of change and determining if that change accomplishes improvement.  This presentation will discuss the importance of driving change through understanding and using data from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Data driven quality improvement has enabled the Vermont EHDI program to identify crucial areas for PDSA cycles for testing change. The Vermont Department of Health's fully integrated database automatically runs a series of regularly scheduled reports that support the EHDI program in using data to drive improvements for reducing loss to follow-up for screening, diagnosis and intervention. In addition to the quantitative reports, the Vermont EHDI program integrates qualitative data that includes satisfaction surveys and interviews for further identifying ways in which the program can successfully reduce loss to follow-up. In April of 2015, the Vermont EHDI program started doing monthly data reviews for the current birth cohort. These data reviews are key in guiding quality improvement cycles while reviewing the most recent data During this presentation various PDSA cycles will be shared that demonstrate how monthly EHDI data reviews are critical in identifying the areas for improvement in reducing lost to follow-up. Further discussion will highlight strategies enlisted by Vermont EHDI to drive change statewide with hospitals, audiologists and early intervention providers.  

  • Explain the importance of data driven quality improvement.
  • Describe how monthly data reviews can be integrated into EHDI programs
  • Identify key areas for quality improvement.

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Linda Hazard (Primary Presenter), Vermont Department of Health, linda.hazard@partner.vermont.gov;
Linda Hazard is the Program Director for the Vermont Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program. She has a masters degree in Audiology and a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Social Policy. Linda is currently the President of DSHPSHWA and is the ASHA STAR representative for Vermont. Prior to coming to VTEHDI Linda was the Director of Audiology and the Cochlear Implant Program for the University of Vermont Medical Center. Additionally she worked for Cochlear Americas in clinical research and Advanced Bionics in Education and Training.


Financial - Receives Consulting fee for Consulting from Utah State University.  

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Stacy Jordan (Co-Presenter), VTEHDI, Stacy.Jordan@partner.vermont.gov;
Stacy Jordan is the Project Coordinator for the Vermont Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (VTEHDI) and state representative on the Audiology Advisory Council for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Employed by the only tertiary hospital in the state and contracted to the department of health. Member of the state Hearing Advisory Council and Speech Language Hearing Association (VSHA). Her vairous positions over the last thirteen years have been directly related to EHDI at the state and national levels. She established and coordinated the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening program at the state's tertiary hospital, provided screenings to children birth to eight years old state-wide for a mobile clinical program called the Hearing Outreach Program (HOP) and directed Vermont's EHDI program for five years.


Financial - Receives Consulting fee for Consulting from NCHAM.  

Nonfinancial - Has a Professional (Audiology Advisory Council ) relationship for Volunteer membership on advisory committee or review panels.