March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


3/15/2016  |   11:30 AM - 12:00 PM   |  Topical Session 5   |  Towne/Esquire   |  9 - Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement

Newborn Hearing Screening Electronic Clinical Quality Measure: EHDI eCQM

Effective January 1, 2016, the Joint Commission, formerly known as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), adopted an EHDI electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) for data reporting. The Joint Commission is the nation's oldest and largest standards setting accrediting body in healthcare and certifies more than 20,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. Any accredited hospital may choose this measure as one of the six required sets to satisfy their accreditation and certification process. Joint Commission accreditation is recognized by a majority of state governments in lieu of a hospital licensure inspection conducted by the state licensing agency and by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in lieu of a Medicare certification survey, thus qualifying organizations to receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to promote the concept of electronic data reporting for program evaluation and to help make sure high quality EHDI services are delivered in a timely manner and with less burden of documentation. As the measure steward, CDC has specifically designed and tested electronic specifications for the EHDI eCQM: “Hearing Screening Prior to Hospital Discharge”. This accountability and quality improvement measure, developed specifically for electronic reporting, was endorsed in 2011 by the National Quality Forum (NQF) and in 2014 was included under Meaningful Use of the CMS Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program. In 2015 the NQF Eye Care and Ear, Nose and Throat (EENT) Standing Committee reviewed the EHDI eCQM using NQF’s standardized measure evaluation criteria and recommended it for endorsement. The purpose of this presentation is to provide guidance for those interested in understanding the potential benefits and limitations of the EHDI eCQM.

  • Characterize how an EHDI program may benefit from the EHDI eCQM.
  • Identify a strategy for using the EHDI eCQM to assure EHDI screening data quality.

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John Eichwald (Primary Presenter,Author,POC), CDC, jeichwald@cdc.gov;
John Eichwald is the Chief of the Child Development and Disability Branch at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this position he has oversight of EHDI, the Child Development Studies, and the Rare Disorders and Health Outcomes Teams. His related experience includes collaboration with the multiple organizations focused on national Health Information Technology efforts to foster adoption of a national set of standards, specifications and implementation guidance directed at interoperability of public health information systems.


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