March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


3/14/2016  |   2:30 PM - 3:00 PM   |  Topical Session 2   |  Royal Palm 3/4   |  7 - Family Perspectives and Support

After Diagnosis: Parental Involvement and Family Inclusion with Latino Cultural Considerations

Research has shown that when infants who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) are identified by three months of age, and enrolled in appropriate early intervention programs by six months of age, they can acquire language skills at the same rate as their hearing peers, and be commensurate with their cognitive and developmental abilities (Yoshinaga-ltano, 1995,Moeller,1998). This is the aim of EHDI programs. It is well known that language proficiency is the most significant prerequisite skill predicting the ability of those DHH children to acquire the literacy skills that will enable them to achieve academic and vocational success, and that the most important factor in a child's acquisition of language is parental involvement (Moores, 1978, Ogden, 1996, Marschark, 2010) This presentation will cover the factors that need to be established to promote productive parent involvement and family inclusion for newly identified infants who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. It will cover practical tools to achieve that level of involvement and inclusion and most importantly, it will include the unique aspects of Hispanic / Latino culture that need to be taken into account when serving this critical emerging demographic

  • Know the strategies & tools to help families include their DHH child in family gatherings with an emphasis on Latino families.
  • Help families (especially Latino families) establish & maintain a strong family unity and strengthen a productive relationship with their DHH child..
  • An awareness of the unique aspects of the Hispanic / Latino culture that need to be taken in consideration when serving this critical emerging demographic.

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Tony Ronco (Primary Presenter,Co-Presenter), H&V, t_ronco@hotmail.com;
Tony is married & the father of two children; one hearing and one deaf. His deaf daughter is now 13 years old. He has been involved in parent to parent support. And has served in numerous parent based organizations. Tony is trained change agent,a professional engineer and a manager.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Irma Sanchez (Co-Presenter), Parent Links & Family Focus Resource and Empowerment Center, irma.sanchez@csun.edu;
Irma Sanchez is a wife, mother, friend, and tireless advocate for families with deaf or hard of hearing children. Irma and her husband, Miguel, have 3 deaf boys: Enrique- 9 years old; Hector- 13 years old; and Felix- 15 years old. Irma is a Parent Mentor for Parent Links within the Deaf Education And Families Project at the Family Focus Resource and Empowerment Center, California State Univ., Northridge. She provides outreach, education, and support to families with deaf or hard of hearing children- in 3 languages!! Many of the families Irma meets and speaks with are Latino families facing challenges that exceed having a child with special learning needs. She reaches out to these families and provides much needed information, support, and guidance based on her own experiences and resources from the community. Irma understands the dedication needed to learn and use American Sign Language with her sons.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.