March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


  |   -   |  9 - Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement

Timely Connection to Parent Support: The Use of Results Based Accountability for EHDI Program Improvement

The Minnesota EHDI program has used Results Based Accountability (RBA) as a framework for program improvement since 2013. RBA is a simple and effective approach for identifying important performance measures and developing strategies for improving them. RBA was successfully used to increase the percentage of children who received a timely referral to parent-to-parent support. By defining a key indicator of referral timeliness and tracking quarterly performance on the indicator, EHDI staff were able to identify how staffing shortages and process inefficiencies were contributing to delays. EHDI staff used quarterly performance data to assess the effectiveness of potential solutions and over a two year period were able to increase the percentage of referrals meeting our timeliness measure from 37% to 100%. Improvement in our program performance contributed to system-wide improvement. During that same two-year time period, the percentage of families with timely connection to parent support more than doubled. This poster will describe RBA and explain how it is being used by the Minnesota EHDI program to improve performance. Attendees will learn about the basic concept and components of Results Based Accountability and how they could apply RBA to their own work.

  • Describe how Results Based Accountability can be used for program improvement
  • Describe the components of Results Based Accountability
  • Apply basic Results Based Accountability concepts for program improvement

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Melinda Marsolek (Primary Presenter), Minnesota Department of Health, melinda.marsolek@state.mn.us;
Melinda Marsolek is an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health's Newborn & Child Follow-up Unit. She has been working with Minnesota's EHDI program since 2012.


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