March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


3/15/2016  |   2:15 PM - 2:45 PM   |  Topical Session 6   |  Royal Palm 3/4   |  3 - Language Acquisition and Development

Language of Young Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children: What's Missing?

Early identification and advances in amplification technology have had a dramatic, positive impact on speech and language outcomes for children with hearing loss. Overall language scores in this population have increased significantly over the past two decades. However, there are still aspects of language that continue to pose challenges for this population. Examining global language age scores does not inform us regarding the specific areas of language that are developing on par with typically developing peers versus those language skills where significant delays typically exist. This presentation will describe the results of an item analysis of each of the language items in the 12 month to 4 year age range on the Child Development Inventory. Data for this analysis were obtained as part of a multi-state assessment project and include results from over 2,000 language assessments gathered across 12 different states on children 12 months to 4 years of age who are deaf or hard of hearing. The age of acquisition of a wide variety of expressive and receptive language skills will be presented relative to the age these skills are acquired by typically developing hearing children. Current language strengths and limitations of children who are deaf or hard of hearing will be highlighted, and specific aspects of language will be described that parents and interventionists can focus on to help close the language gap in children with hearing loss.

  • identify language strengths in children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing from 12 months to 4 years of age.
  • identify language limitations in children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing from 12 months to 4 years of age.
  • provide examples of specific aspects of language that should be targeted with children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in the home and at school.

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Allison Sedey (Primary Presenter), University of Colorado-Boulder, Allison.Sedey@colorado.edu;
Allison Sedey is a speech pathologist, audiologist, and research associate. She works for the University of Colorado-Boulder and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind tracking speech and language outcomes of children who are deaf or hard of hearing between birth and 3 years of age throughout the state of Colorado. She is currently managing a project (NECAP) that involves establishing a national database of language outcomes for children with hearing loss from birth to 4. As part of this project she is assisting interested states in implementing statewide outcomes assessment.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Christine Yoshinaga-Itano (Author), University of Colorado-Boulder, Christie.Yoshi@colorado.edu;
Dr. Christine Yoshinaga-Itano is a Research Professor in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, faculty of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Center for Neurosciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Otolaryngology and Audiology at the University of Colorado, Denver and the Marion Downs Center. In 1996 she developed the Marion Downs National Center. Since 1996, Dr. Yoshinaga-Itano has assisted many state departments of education and public health agencies, schools for the deaf and blind, and early intervention programs throughout the United States and its territories. In addition, she has served as a consultant for many countries currently developing their early hearing detection and intervention programs, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Korea, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, and South Africa.


Financial - Receives Salary,Grants for Other activities from Disability Research Dissemination Center.   Receives Salary,Other financial benefit for Other activities from LEND Grant.   Receives Salary for Employment,Other activities from University of Colorado, Boulder.  

Nonfinancial - Has a Professional (American Academy of Audiology representative on the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing) relationship for Board membership.