March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


3/14/2016  |   11:05 AM - 11:35 AM   |  Topical Session 1   |  Pacific Salon 3   |  4 - Early Intervention

A Parent’s Guide to the JCIH Supplement - D/HH Early Intervention Recommendations

With the release of The Supplement to the JCIH 2007 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Intervention after Confirmation That a Child Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing, state systems are now beginning to evaluate the standards by which Early Intervention Services should be delivered. Parents of newly identified children often report that they ‘don’t know what they don’t know’, and so how do parents know whether the services provided to their own child in the EHDI system is in sync with recommended practices? This Presentation will share a new parent guide that has been developed so that families can monitor their EI services from a standpoint of recommended practices, and not just how they ‘feel’ the services are going for them. This new document, A Parent’s Guide to the JCIH Supplement - D/HH Early Intervention Recommendations has been produced by the CDC Parent-to-Parent Subcommittee that has previously created other support documents for families (i.e. “Questions to Ask Your Audiologist, The What Else Checklist for Audiologists”). This committee is comprised of parents, professionals, and ‘systems’ thinkers from many different states. This tool can be used by any family and IFSP team in the country to help facilitate and document important considerations as outlined in the JCIH Supplement with a simple matrix for each guideline including: ‘What this Goal means to me’ and ‘Things to think about’ for each recommended goal in the JCIH Supplement. Family Advocates and others in The EHDI system will also find this tool helpful in the development of state systems.

  • Build self-awareness that leads to a greater ability to partner with families in order for them to participate successfully in evaluating their own EI Services.
  • Utilize the tool that will be available for families to take the ‘theory’ of the JCIH Supplement and endorse Best Practices in EI delivery in their states.
  • Empower Family Advocates to ensure that the JCIH Supplement is delivered effectively from the family perspective in the development of EHDI systems.

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Janet DesGeorges (Primary Presenter,Co-Presenter), Hands & Voices, Headquarters, janet@handsandvoices.org;
Janet DesGeorges lives in Boulder, Colorado and is mom to Sara, who is hard of hearing. She is a co-founder of Hands & Voices, serving as the Executive Director since September 2011, and as the E.D. of the Flagship chapter of Hands & Voices in Colorado for 10 years prior to that. Ms. DesGeorges is the author on the chapter for Family Support in the NCHAM e-Book, the co-author of the book Educational Advocacy for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: The Hands & Voices Guidebook, and many other publications. Ms. DesGeorges received a program certificate from the MCH Public Health Leadership Institute in 2011 at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Her areas of interest include Leadership Development for parents; Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Systems; Parent/Professional partnerships in Quality Improvement processes.


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Terri Patterson (Co-Presenter), GA Hands & Voices, terripat@earthlink.net;
Terri's experience as a former Early Intervention Parent Educator and a parent of a child with hearing loss has led her into the role of Executive Director of Georgia Hands & Voices. She and her husband, Matt, have two children: daughter Molly, and son, Riley, (who was identified with profound bilateral hearing loss at two months). Degreed in Social Sciences/Psychology, Terri is the Committee Chair for the Georgia Stakeholder’s UNHS Program. She also sits on the National EHDI 2011 Planning Committee, and is co-chair of the CDC’s Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Parent-to-Parent Subcommittee, as well as serving as parent representative to the AAHBEI (American Association for Home-Based Early Interventionists) governing board. Terri is co-author of the DECISION GUIDE TO COMMUNICATION CHOICES published by the CDC, and has spoken a numerous conferences including a plenary presentation at the National Summit on Deaf Education in 2008.


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Nancy Grosz Sager (Co-Presenter), California Department of Education, nsager@cde.ca.gov;
Nancy Grosz Sager is the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Programs Consultant for the California Department of Education. In this role, she works with the California Newborn Hearing Screening Program, to ensure that all infants identified through the program are referred To Early Start (IDEA Part C services). Previously, she was a teacher of the deaf and a special education principal for the Sutter County Office of Education. She is a past president of the California Educators of the Deaf. Currently, she serves on the Board of the Conference of American Instructors of the Deaf.


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