March 13-15, 2016 • San Diego, CA


3/14/2016  |   11:05 AM - 11:35 AM   |  Topical Session 1   |  Royal Palm 5/6   |  7 - Family Perspectives and Support

The Vocabulary and Concepts of Hearing Loss

When a child is diagnosed with hearing loss, parents are often too paralyzed to hear and process the explanation and relevant factors surrounding that hearing loss. As parents stumble through the early stages of their grief, the doctors, audiologists and the overwhelming information pressed upon them can intimidate them and make decisions difficult. Parents cannot advocate for their child in the home or community when they do not know how to explain what their child needs. Armed with the understanding of their child’s hearing loss, an informed parent can discuss the type and severity of the loss, aided/unaided hearing results, and how to watch for changes in that hearing. It is only then that a parent is more likely to keep appointments with doctors and early interventionists, ensure their child’s equipment is on and working, and to advocate for the child in all settings. In this presentation, you will learn to explain how the ear works; how to explain sensorineural, neural, conductive and mixed hearing loss;how to explain ANSD; how hearing aids and cochlear implants work; and how to teach a parent to read an audiogram, all in family friendly terms.

  • explain how the ear works in terms that can be understood by parents.
  • know the difference between a conductive, sensorineural, neural and mixed hearing loss.
  • teach someone to read and understand an audiogram.

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Kelleigh Bland (Primary Presenter,POC), Beginnings, kbland@ncbegin.org;
Parent educator and advocate with Beginnings for Parents of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Kelleigh was a Teacher of the Deaf for 10 years in the NC Public school setting before joining Beginnings.


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