March 18-20, 2018 • Denver, CO


Nominations are invited for the Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence to be presented at the 2018 National EHDI Meeting in Denver, Colorado. This award honors the life and work of Dr. Antonia Brancia Maxon to promote effective Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs for all newborns, infants, and young children. Dr. Maxon was a pioneer in EHDI programs, beginning with her leadership in the Rhode Island Hearing Assessment Project in the late 1980's. She was one of the first to recognize the feasibility and value of universal newborn hearing screening and was a tireless advocate for connecting screening programs with timely and appropriate diagnosis and early intervention.

Her extensive contributions to creating excellent EHDI programs were abruptly ended by a tragic automobile accident in May of 2007. In memory of her contributions, an Award for EHDI Excellence is presented each year at the National EHDI Meeting to honor an individual who has made outstanding contributions to achieving excellence in EHDI programs nationally or in a particular state or region.

Presentation of the 2018 Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence will be made on Monday March 19, 2018 at the National EHDI Meeting in Denver, Colorado. More about the National EHDI Meeting, including past nominees and recipients can be found below.

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Judith Marlowe

It is with great pleasure that I nominate Judith Marlowe for the 2018 Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence. Judith has dedicated her professional career to the advancement of pediatric audiology and universal newborn hearing screening in the USA and internationally. Judith has been a mentor, leader, researcher and passionate advocate for EHDI principles for 35+ years. Judith initiated, designed and managed the first program in the U.S. to screen all newborn prior to hospital discharge at Winter Park Memorial Hospital (FL) in 1983. Judith has more than 20 peer-reviewed publications related to Universal Newborn Hearing Screening. She has presented at 38 international conferences, as an invited speaker, traveling the globe from Saudi Arabia to Japan, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, New South Wales, India, Mexico, British Columbia, Germany, and Budapest. Judith has been invited to present at more than 50 conferences in the U.S. Judith was recognized with the 1993 Marion Downs Award for 10 years of leadership in the advocacy and implementation of universal newborn hearing screening. She has worked in hospital settings, private practice, and industry. At the forefront of all of her life's work was making certain that every infant/child with hearing loss was identified and treated so they would achieve their maximum potential. Judith trained and counseled numerous sales and clinical educators on the importance of early identification and other aspects of the changing field of pediatric audiology. Judith has a knack for explaining the most complex elements of the auditory system and audiological testing so that people in all disciplines can understand and embrace the importance of universal screening and early identification.

In the words of Dan Stewart, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Louisville Kosair Children's Hospital:
"Judith really put Pediatric Audiology and UNHS on the map in the world of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. She increased the awareness of the prevalence of SNHL and the incidence of delayed diagnoses and the impact that this had on the lives of infants and children. She made all health care practioners aware of the life-long sequelae of the lack of early intervention—more than just speech and language development, but also the economic and social implications for those individuals. She was soft spoken yet forceful in making her point. With her knowledge base and sharing of evidenced-based medicine, she personally escalated the acceptance of UNHS and was instrumental in the AAP supporting national legislation. She has had a profound effect on advancing the field of Pediatric Audiology and is well deserving of this recognition. It was always a pleasure working with her."

Judith Marlowe is one of the pioneers of universal newborn screening. For those of us that have had the privilege of working and learning from her for more than 20 years, I respectively submit this nomination. Judith's career lived by this message; Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.