March 8-10, 2020 • Kansas City, MO


3/10/2020  |   11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   |  A Parent’s Guide to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Early Intervention Recommendations: An Overview   |  New York B

A Parent’s Guide to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Early Intervention Recommendations: An Overview

Many parents ask this question, “How do we know if our child is receiving the right services?” when setting up services for their child. This presentation will be an overview of a document that offers guidelines so that parents/caretakers will be able to identify the most appropriate services, no matter where they live. In 2013, the Join Commission on Infant Hearing (JCIH) created 12 goals that define the quality of early intervention and how to better recognize recommended practices in the services provided to a child. The national EHDI parent-to-parent committee developed this guide to communicate directly with parents. Hands & Voices has committed to disseminating the information and using it as a tool to train their parent-to-parent and deaf and hard of hearing adults to parent support providers.

  • 1. Session participants will be able to describe best practices in early intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • 2. Session participants will understand how to train new parents/families about the Parent’s Guide to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Early Intervention Recommendations and empower them to advocate for appropriate services.
  • 3. Session participants will be able to identify additional tools available that will support Parents/Families through the EI process.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Janet DesGeorges (), Hands & Voices, janet@handsandvoices.org;
Janet DesGeorges lives in Boulder, Colorado and is Executive Director of Hands & Voices Headquarters. Janet has presented to groups worldwide about the experiences of families as they journey through life with a child with deafness or hearing loss. Ms. DesGeorges received a program certificate from the MCH Public Health Leadership Institute in 2011 at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. As an EHDI Systems advocate, Janet believes in the principles and guiding philosophies of Hands & Voices towards a parent-driven, professionally-collaborative approach when supporting families in the early years. Her areas of interest include Leadership Development for parents who participate in systemic improvement; Deaf Education Reform and Improvement; Children’s Safety and Success(preventing child abuse and neglect); Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Systems; and Parent/Professional partnerships in Quality Improvement processes.


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Lisa Kovacs (), Hands & Voices , lisakovacs@handsandvoices.org ;
Lisa Kovacs is the Director of Programs for Hands & Voices Headquarters and the Director of the Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. She and her husband Brian have four young adult children including her son who is hard of hearing/deaf. Lisa was the 2019 Antonio Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence recipient. Her professional interest include; Parent Advocacy; Implementation of parent participation and engagement in systems building; Parent to Parent support; Deaf Education Reform; IDEA, ESSA, Part C and Part B Training to Parents, and Parent Leadership Training and Development.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.