2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference
March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH
5/24/2021 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Shining light on Arctic river stoichiometric dynamics: Using in situ high frequency sensors to capture carbon and nitrogen responses to hydrologic perturbation | Virtual Platform
Shining light on Arctic river stoichiometric dynamics: Using in situ high frequency sensors to capture carbon and nitrogen responses to hydrologic perturbation
Climate change is rapidly altering ecological processes of Arctic ecosystems, yet predicting paired biogeochemical responses in rivers remains a major challenge. To address this knowledge gap, we measured dissolved [C]arbon and [N]itrogen from two Arctic watersheds, the Kuparuk River and Oksrukuyik Creek. These watersheds represent low-gradient, high-productivity landscapes characteristic of the Alaskan North Slope. In both watersheds, we deployed high-frequency in situ stream sensors that measured the absorbance spectra of stream water for four consecutive thaw seasons (2017-2020), capturing a wide range of flow and ecological conditions. From the sensor spectra, we developed robust time-series of dissolved organic C (DOC), nitrate (NO3-), total Kjeldahl N (TKN), and total dissolved N (TDN), and explored C and N concentration-discharge (CQ) responses. In both watersheds, we found that DOC and NO3- behaved asynchronously, where NO3- largely diluted (slope<0) while DOC enriched (slope>0). In contrast, DOC and TKN or TDN synchronously enriched (slope>0) during high flows, likely the result of organic-N flushing. Our use of optical sensors provides a high-precision solution for estimating biogeochemical export behavior in remote watersheds, which could improve our characterization of a changing Arctic.
- Biogeochemistry
- Storms
- Connectivity
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Arial Shogren
(), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, shogrena@msu.edu;
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Jay Zarnetske
(), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, jpz@msu.edu;
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Benjamin Abbott
(), Brigham Young University, Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, benabbott@byu.edu;
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Frances Iannucci
(), University of Alaska Fairbanks, fiannucci@alaska.edu;
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Alexander Medvedeff
(), University of Vermont, Alexander.Medvedeff@uvm.edu;
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William Breck Bowden
(), University of Vermont, breck.bowden@uvm.edu;
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