2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/15/2022  |   1:50 PM - 2:15 PM   |  Finding Your Village   |  Room 12

Finding Your Village

We’ve all heard the term, “it takes a village…”, yet we often hear from parents that after learning their child has hearing loss, they feel alone and isolated. “Is there anyone else in the world who has a child with hearing loss?” “Does anyone know what I’m going through?” “I don’t feel like anyone is hearing me.” “I’m scared.” These are common feelings and thoughts that parents, caregivers and family members might be going through after a hearing loss diagnosis… or after transitions.. or after new life changes. What if we could all be there together? We could listen to each other, share experiences and could lift each other up. We could offer suggestions that worked for us, we could hold each other’s hands and we could walk along with one another during their journey. In this presentation, you will meet parents from all over North America who have been meeting together every week. You will meet the group facilitator who may introduce the topic, but lets the parents do the counseling and supporting. Through laughter and tears, this group has seen a lot, shared a lot and learned a lot when they came together and found their village.

  • Participants will learn how to find a sense of community from meeting with others with similar experiences
  • Participants will learn how to start and use interactive dialog to facilitate a support group
  • Participants will be able to identify meaningful discussion topics for group meetings including school accommodations, home support ideas and hearing technology


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Cassandra Fogelstrom (InPerson), Utah State University, cassandra.parker@usu.edu;
Cass Fogelstrom provides tele-intervention services for families throughout the country. She has a Master’s Degree in Deaf Education from the John Tracy Clinic/University of San Diego. Additionally, Cass has a certification as a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Auditory Verbal Educator (LSLS Cert. AVEd). Cass has focused her time and career coaching parents in their home, either in person or through video-conferencing. She has a passion for instilling confidence within the family as they navigate their journey of having a child with hearing loss. She believes in a team approach, noting that parents and family members are the number one teachers and experts in their child’s life. Cass is always looking forward to meeting new families and learning about their unique and special circumstances. The possibilities of bringing every child to his or her full potential are endless!


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