2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


 Evaluating the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Satisfaction of Users Reporting Diagnostic Data in Georgia’s EHDI Information System Audiologist Portal

Background: The usability (effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction) of the Audiologist Portal used to report diagnostic data within the EHDI module of Georgia’s State Electronic Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (SendSS) was evaluated. Methods: The effectiveness of the Quick Search function to find a child’s existing demographic record in SendSS vs. de novo data entry of demographics, and data entry of key diagnostic variables, was evaluated by analyzing existing diagnostic records in SendSS. The efficiency of diagnostic data entry was evaluated by analyzing users’ self-reported responses to a survey question and by timing data entry sessions performed by selected users. User satisfaction was evaluated by analyzing users’ responses to items in the System Usability Scale (SUS) deployed by email to all registered Audiologist Portal users (N=115). Results: Effectiveness: Out of 7,869 diagnostic records entered in SendSS during FY17-FY21, demographic records of only 80 (1%) could not be found using the Quick Search function and had to be entered de novo. At least 97% of completed diagnostic evaluations had consistent entries between presence of permanent hearing loss, type of hearing loss, and degree of hearing loss. Efficiency: Out of 46 users responding (40%), 42 (91%) indicated needing <15 minutes to enter a diagnostic record in SendSS. Average time needed to enter and submit a diagnostic record was 5:39 (range: 1:45-13:00) among three users in seven sessions. Satisfaction: Out of 45 users responding (39%), 28 (62%) indicated above-average satisfaction with the Audiologist Portal with a SUS score above 68. Free-text comments indicate ongoing difficulty with finding records of children with hyphenated or compound last names, and concerns over missing or inaccurate hearing screening results in SendSS. Conclusions: The SendSS Audiologist Portal is highly effective and efficient and enjoys above-average user satisfaction. We will continue to provide users technical assistance to address issues identified.

  • Identify the three components (effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction) of EHDI information system usability to report diagnostic data.
  • Describe user interactions with an EHDI information system when reporting diagnostic data to evaluate system usability.
  • Interpret and apply findings from an EHDI information system usability evaluation to improve system usability for reporting diagnostic data.

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Presenter: Michael Lo

Michael Lo is the EHDI Program Evaluator/Data Manager at the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH). Prior to joining GDPH, he was an Injury Epidemiologist at the Florida Department of Health and as a contractor at the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, where he collaborated with research audiologists on a retrospective cohort study of hearing loss and tinnitus in military personnel with deployment-related mild traumatic brain injury. He received a B.A. in Biology from Johns Hopkins University and an M.S.P.H. in Epidemiology from the University of South Florida.


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Presenter: Brandt Culpepper

Dr. Brandt Culpepper is the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program Team Lead at the Georgia Department of Public Health. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Georgia and her Ph.D. from the University of Washington. She has more than 30 years of experience as an audiologist with interest in infant and pediatric audiology. She has worked in public health, clinical, medical, and academic environments. Dr. Culpepper has no financial interests in corporate organizations with products that may be relevant to presentation.


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