2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


9/06/2017  |   1:30 PM - 3:00 PM   |  Living the Dream, but not Living the Same Cultural Expectations   |  Cascade B

Living the Dream, but not Living the Same Cultural Expectations

Sometimes the dream becomes a nightmare. The fear of entering into the legal system may include fear of deportation, but may also include fear of expenses, gangs, and what might happen to they or the family. Changes in immigration rules and possibilities create problems which add stress for the family. Families deal with that stress differently. Stress may lead to DV, substance abuse or both. As therapists you should know what resources are available to you. Advocacy has been in Utah for more than 22 years, but VA are not always called. We still have people using children to translate for parents and even victims translating for perpetrators. Even those born and raised in the U.S. were taught cultural norms by those raised in other cultures. When I lived in Mexico, men ruled and women obeyed. For some who brought their family to this country 30 years ago, that male-female relation was continued and taught to their children. As therapists, we need to know what has been taught. We will attempt to help therapists look at individuals, and methods to make changes for both perpetrators and victims.

  • Fear of an unknown system of cultural expectations. Individual filters based on their previous culture. One child was abused by man who threatened to have parents deported if he told.
  • Stress caused by immigration, language, and cultural differences create opportunities for new violence.
  • Therapists should know what services and resources are available in Utah. Does treatment really make change or just make people more cautious?

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Kent D. McDonald, MS, LMFT (), Sandy Counseling Centers, kent@sandycounselingcenters.com;
KENT MCDONALD, M.S., L.M.F.T. He is the primary author of the Pathways to Peace treatment program for offenders. Has presented on DV locally and nationally.


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Claudia McDonald (), Unified Police Department of Salt Lake, ClMcDonald@updsl.org;
She is my daughter-in-law. She has been a bi-lingual victim advocate and program coordinator for Salt Lake Unified Police for 19 years. She was born in the U.S. to Latino parents. She has worked with victims for 19 years and has made presentations for agencies who work with victims. As the coordinator, she trains new advocates and does presentations to therapists for both victims and perps.


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