2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


10/28/2018  |   9:30 AM - 10:30 AM   |  Is Gender Your Blind Spot?   |  Kramer Lecture Theater 3

Is Gender Your Blind Spot?

World Wide Hearing Foundation International (World Wide Hearing) noted that in one of its projects, 50% more boys than girls had been fitted with hearing aids. It then sought to understand if this trend repeated elsewhere. What, but most importantly who are we missing when we omit gender as a lens through which to analyse our hearing health services? World Wide Hearing is undertaking a process of enhancing the gender-sensitivity of its work. The objective of the analysis is to generate statistics for decision-makers, and to provide hearing loss interventions in a more equitable way. For years, the humanitarian and development sectors have been actively analysing the different ways that women and men, boys and girls experience and access health. A 2010 World Health Organization paper identified that social and cultural norms combined with unequal power relations can lead to greater health risks for women and girls (e.g. restrictions on mobility reduce women’s ability to access health services). Despite this evidence, at the cross-section of audiology and international development, gender-specific analysis is lacking. In low-resource communities, can we improve the lives of more women and girls with hearing loss by adopting gender-sensitive approaches? How do we mobilise our sector and generate more evidence? World Wide Hearing is inviting contributors from around the world to share their insights and disaggregated data.

  • Discuss best practices and lessons learned when better integrating gender in projects
  • Identify the importance of data analysis in shaping equitable programs
  • Create connections with key stakeholders to promote gender-sensitive approaches in hearing health services

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Youla Pompilus-Touré (), World Wide Hearing Foundation International, youla@wwhearing.org;
Youla Pompilus-Toure oversees the portfolio of international projects at World Wide Hearing. Prior to joining World Wide Hearing, she built an expertise enhancing organizational capacity to engage with vulnerable populations. For the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, CARE International, UNICEF and others, Youla led programs to protect human rights and provided guidance to improve the quality and accountability of humanitarian programming. She has worked in Turkey, Madagascar, Haiti, Burundi and Bolivia. She has also conducted advocacy at the United Nations to mobilize support on issues of post-conflict peace-building and gender-based violence. Youla holds an M.A. in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford, where she was a Rotary World Peace Fellow, and a Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University.


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