2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference
March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH
5/17/2017 | 2:30 PM - 2:55 PM | Unusual thermal transport in UO2 | 1
Unusual thermal transport in UO2
Despite more than sixty years of intense research of uranium dioxide, a thorough understanding is lacking for the microscopic processes that control its transport and thermodynamic properties. It is by far the most studied actinide material as it is a primary fuel used in light water nuclear reactors. Although UO2 is best known as an engineering material, its properties indicate rare interactions between charge, spin and lattice, reminiscent of emergent phenomena. In particular, it is unclear how different degrees of freedom and quasiparticle excitations interact and what is the relationship to the thermal behavior. Here we report our new experimental and theoretical studies on oriented and well-characterized uranium dioxide single crystals. Our results indicate that strong spin-lattice coupling and resonant scattering are important for understanding the general thermal behavior in this material. We will discuss implications of these results.
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Krzysztof Gofryk
(), Idaho National Laboratory, krzysztof.gofryk@inl.gov;
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Krzysztof Gofryk
(), Idaho National Laboratory, krzysztof.gofryk@inl.gov;
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