2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/14/2022  |   12:00 PM - 12:25 PM   |  Play Skills and Core Principles for Positive Outcomes   |  Room 8

Play Skills and Core Principles for Positive Outcomes

Out of public health concern during 2020-2021, families adjusted their social interactions with other households to prevent potential exposures to COVID-19. Similarly, communities largely cancelled public events for children and families or substituted remote interactions, which often prevented young children from directly interacting with each other. The social separation of young children has understandably contributed to a delayed development of play skills for many children, as commonly observed by parents and educators. For many children who are deaf/hard of hearing (DHH), the absence or limitation of these experiences has been particularly impactful as they were often stripped of opportunities for incidental language learning from their peers during play. These social distancing hurdles underscore the need for parents of young children who are DHH to become aware of the hierarchy of play skills as outlined by Mildred Parten (1932) (e.g., solitary, spectator, parallel, associate, cooperative) and to implement intentional play-based interactions at home that promote language and pragmatic skill development. [Parten, M. (1932). Social participation among preschool children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 27, 243-269.] In 2021, the Center on the Developing Child from Harvard University released an update to “Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Families and Children” to advocate program planning that centers on: 1. Supporting responsive relationships; 2. Strengthening core life skills; and 3. Reducing sources of stress. (https://46y5eh11fhgw3ve3ytpwxt9r-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/3Principles_Update2021v2.pdf) The Center on the Developing Child advocated an intentional focus on these core principles during play activities. (https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/play-in-early-childhood-the-role-of-play-in-any-setting/) This presentation outlines how professionals can support parents’ knowledge of advancing play skills and use language-rich interactions that facilitate language and pragmatic development. Participants also explore how to support parents’ focus on using play activities to apply the core principles by the Center on the Developing Child in seeking optimal outcomes for their child.

  • Participants will explore the hierarchy of play skill development in young children.
  • Participants will strategize how to implement the three core principles stated by the Center on the Developing Child in play-based activities.
  • Participants will empower parents to use the above knowledge and skills in home-based play activities.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Nicole Jacobson (Virtual), Sound Beginnings at Utah State University, nicole.jacobson@usu.edu;
Nicole Jacobson is the Director of Sound Beginnings at Utah State University. She is also a clinical supervisor for students enrolled in the Listening and Spoken Language Graduate Studies program at Utah State University. She has experience both as a speech-language pathologist and as a special educator and is certified as a listening and spoken language specialist, auditory-verbal educator.


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