2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/19/2018  |   11:15 AM - 12:15 PM   |  The Deaf Mentor Program: Benefits to Families and Professionals   |  Capitol 7

The Deaf Mentor Program: Benefits to Families and Professionals

Little research about Deaf Mentors is available, but available studies suggest that they benefit families with a Deaf Child. These mentors can support professionals who work directly with the child and their family. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of having a Deaf Mentor involved in early intervention with Deaf children and their families. The mentor’s impact on communication, language, cognitive, and social development was investigating using grounded theory. The theoretical framework relies on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and how that theory is embedded in DeafCrit, as well as the corresponding idea of community cultural capital (CCC) to determine if culture capital is transferred from the Deaf Mentor to a hearing family with a Deaf child. This qualitative study investigated two points of view; first, it focused on the perceptions of families who had a Deaf Mentor and the perceptions of Deaf Mentors toward the families they served. Data was collected through interviews with families and Deaf Mentors. The study showed that families benefited enormously from the Deaf Mentor Program and it offered more than just learning ASL; the program provided perspective by empowering the families to understand that their Deaf child was different and did not have a deficit. Deaf Mentors provide insight of how to overcome obstacles. The benefits that the families gained focused on gaining CCC and a beginning understanding of DeafCrit.

  • Participants will be able to apply methods that will allow for the creation, gathering, distribution and use of knowledge and information.
  • Participants will be able to gain an access resources to assist in filling in areas where a gap in knowledge or skill has been identified.
  • Participants will be able to use evidence-based data to support the purpose of Deaf Mentor Program in their state.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Beth Hamilton (), N/A, BMHamilton5@gmail.com;
A dynamic educator, researcher, and presenter, Dr. Beth M. Hamilton specializes in early language and child development among deaf and hard of hearing children. She works as deaf/hard of hearing Educational Consultant around the nation. She holds a doctoral degree in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education from Lamar University and master degree in education and a bachelor degree in art therapy from Marylhurst University. She also has certifications in conflict and resolution mediation and early intervention.


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