2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


2/27/2017  |   3:20 PM - 3:50 PM   |  Hashtag Hearing Diary   |  Hanover D

Hashtag Hearing Diary

1. This workshop covers the practice of documenting the progress of early listeners through creative journaling and sharing. The LittlEARS Diary by MED-EL Corporation will be the compass that guides this presentation on how to effectively document the first years of listening and language acquisition. The LittlEARS Diary gathers information about early auditory, speech and language development. It is both a record book for families and an assessment tool for documenting early development of children with hearing loss. This presentation will also cover a parent’s perspective on social media resources which provide support, education and community for families of children with hearing loss. Participants will also learn how one parent transformed her diary into a social media platform and a tangible memory book that could be shared with family members, other parents of children with CI’s and hearing professionals.

  • 1. Participants will identify and describe activities that target the Listening hierarchy
  • 2. Participants will identify social media resources available for candidates, families and educators that support language development.
  • 3. Participants will locate at least 3 key resources on www.medel.com

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Michael Douglas (), MED-EL, Michael.douglas@medel.com;
Michael is a speech-language pathologist and a certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist. He received his certification in auditory-verbal therapy in 2002. He has focused his career on teaching children with hearing loss to listen and speak in various settings including early childhood programs, schools, hospitals, private practice, and cochlear implant centers. Michael served as the Director of the Speech Clinic and Director of Intervention Services at the Center for Hearing and Speech in Houston, TX from 2005 to 2012. He was an adjunct instructor at The University of Houston from 2010 to 2012. He served as the Principal of the Mama Lere Hearing School in the Bill Wilkerson Center at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN between 2012 and 2016. Currently he is an employee of Med-El as a Consumer Engagement Program Manager. He is the author of Dual-Language Learning for Children with Hearing Loss.


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Colleen Powell (), MED-EL Patient Support Team hear peers Mentors, colleenkpowell@gmail.com;
Colleen Powell is a wife, mother and former educator. Her son Liam was diagnosed with severe hearing loss at thirteen months old which progressed to profound hearing loss at age three. Liam wears a CI and a hearing aid. Colleen became a Hear Peers Mentor for MED-EL corporation in 2015. She is passionate about helping parents during their journey of raising children with hearing loss.


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