2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/05/2019  |   3:00 PM - 3:30 PM   |  Developing Natural Language with Cued Speech   |  Heathrow A/B

Developing Natural Language with Cued Speech

Hearing children learn language through eavesdropping, hearing, babble, interaction and by absorbing the sounds around them. They naturally learn to put language together into grammatically correct sentences. They learn rhyme, subject-verb agreement, articles, idiomatic expression, dialects, all by hearing what is happening around them. This language learning provides a solid foundation for literacy from birth. Children who are deaf and hard of hearing have a different path to language and literacy. The presenter will discuss how hearing children learn language in the early language learning years, the elements of language, and then reading as compared to the path for deaf children. Participants will then be presented with an overview of Cued Speech, how and why it was developed, research about Cued Speech, literacy and language learning. The presenter will discuss how Cued Speech gives the child complete access to all the elements of a spoken language. This closed system is easy to learn and use by parents as it can be taught in 12-15 hours. Cued Speech is compatible with our English based educational systems. The role of the family, communication in the home, and language development will be stressed as the foundation for literacy. The presenter will interject her presentation with anecdotes,

  • • Understand the role of the family in language development
  • • Understand the differences in the path to literacy for hearing children versus children who are deaf and hard of hearing
  • • Have a basic understanding of Cued Speech and how and why it works to overcome the literacy challenges in deaf education


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Sarina Roffe (), National Cued Speech Association, sroffe@cuedspeech.org;
Sarina Roffé is the parent of a native cuer, past president and current Executive Director of the NCSA. An award-winning journalist, she is the subject and author of many articles on deaf education, parenting and the importance of English language in the development of literacy skills. She has presented before national audiences. Her presentation style is interactive, combining a professional presentation with personal anecdotes.


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